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My Second And Third Trimesters With Baby Number Two

A Whole New Adventure With Baby Number Two The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from week 13 to 28 and is typically the easiest trimester, whether it’s baby number one or baby number two....

The Perfect Vegan Smoothie

Are you the kind of person who enjoys smoothies because their delicious sweetness makes your taste buds do a happy dance? Or maybe you don’t care what your smoothie tastes like as long as...

The Unhealthy Vegan

‘Going vegan’ will not automatically make you healthy. There is such thing as an unhealthy vegan. Many people think that vegans are food obsessed health nuts. For many vegans, this might be true, but...

The New Four Food Groups

A Basic Outline For Healthy Eating The idea of the basic four food groups that most of us grew up with is, sadly, as outdated as it is ridiculous, putting the most nourishing foods,...

Can You Eat Too Much Protein?

The short answer is yes. Want more of an answer? Excessive amounts of protein, via animal products, plants, or supplementation, can be harmful to your body, causing damage to your kidneys and liver. Now...
Travelling eco-friendly

Smart Products For Eco-Friendly Travel

It doesn’t matter if you’re going on a three-day road trip, a beach vacation, or a backpacking adventure. You’re probably going to use ton of single-use, disposable, plastic waste. While convenient at the time,...
How to make an amazing smoothie

How To Make A Smoothie (An Amazing Smoothie)

Want to learn how to make a smoothie? How about an amazing smoothie? Well, to begin, a smoothie should be three things. Healthy, simple, and not taste like melted gym socks. A Smoothie Should...

Take B Vitamins For Stress & So Many Other Things

B Vitamins, A.K.A. The BEST Vitamins. At least that’s what I call them. Not only should you take B vitamins for stress, but for a ton of other reasons too. Here are all the...

My Attempt At An Entire Day of Eating Only Raw Foods

I just wanted a day of eating only raw food. Is that so much to ask? The other day I really wanted to do a juice fast. When I realized how busy my day...
Where do you get your protein?

How To Respond To “Where Do You Get Your Protein?”

To Prepare You For This Inevitable Conversation: “Hey, you want half of my turkey sandwich?” “No thanks, I don’t eat meat” “Really? But where do you get your protein?” If you’re vegan, or even...

Want To Do A Potato Cleanse?

What I’ve learned since educating myself in nutrition is that if something is edible there’s a fad diet for it. Some of those diets have merit and are based in actual science, and others...

Raspberry Fudge Squares – Health Video Pick of the Week

Yay for healthy desserts! This one comes from one of my favorite YouTubers, FullyRawKristina. It’s a beautiful mix of pitted dates, pecans, raw cacao powder, mulberries, sweet cacao nibs, and raspberries that results in a delicious...

Eat For You

Some people seem stuck in the idea that they’re trapped by what their family or spouse eats. They believe that having a vegetarian husband makes them automatically vegetarian too; or having pressure from a...

Top 10 Favorite Vegan YouTubers

Have you ever wanted to go vegan? Have you ever dreamed of making a delicious summery ice cream dessert with frozen bananas, cinnamon and dates? Or maybe you’re just trying to eat healthier and are...