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Take B Vitamins For Stress & So Many Other Things

B Vitamins, A.K.A. The BEST Vitamins. At least that’s what I call them. Not only should you take B vitamins for stress, but for a ton of other reasons too. Here are all the...

Perils Of An Underactive Stomach

Digestive problems seem to be one of the most common ailments people complain about; and one of the most medicated. Then again, it’s easier to take a pill and make the pain go away...
Stressed woman at work

Are You Chronically Stressed?

Have you ever wondered if you’re chronically stressed? In other words, does everyday feels like a never ending onslaught of anxiety? There’s an interesting idea about stress. It’s that our bodies simply cannot handle...

5 Reasons Why You Should Probably Avoid Coffee

5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD AVOID (OR MINIMIZE) COFFEE I know, I know. There are at least a million articles on the web telling you the benefits of coffee and another million on the harms...